Customer Survey Results 2018

In 2017, we saw a record year at yorktest through securing an £8.65m investment with Key Capital Partners (KCP). We also saw the launch of our Premium range which tests for up to 208 foods and drinks, making it our most comprehensive ingredient range to date.  2018 had a lot to contend with!

We pride ourselves on our transparency, so we want to show you the progress our customers made in 2018 – just like we did in 2017 and the years before.

To encourage customer feedback, we send out a short customer survey form when our customers are approaching the end of their elimination diets. Not only can we measure our quality output on a daily basis through these questionnaires, but we are then able to define exactly what matters to our customers.

As a global company, we want to keep moving forward, so our customer surveys enable us to do so. We can acknowledge and address any room for improvement whilst announcing (loudly with a megaphone, of course) all the diets we’ve helped optimise and the lives we’ve shaped and changed. After all, customers really are at the heart of everything we do.

The customer survey results speak for themselves…


We asked our customers what type of symptoms they had been experiencing before taking one of our programmes. Symptoms Of A Food Intolerance can be wide-ranging and affect your quality of life, from dermatological and respiratory issues through to feeling bloated regularly.

We found that 8 in 10 customers reported an improvement in their symptoms following one of our programmes. We’re thrilled to hold this powerful statistic and it will give our new customers an extra sense of stability that they have the support to make worthwhile health improvements.



Many of our customers last year had been dealing with their unexplained symptoms for over a year. 20% of those had been suffering for over 10 years before coming to yorktest. Are you currently suffering from any unsolved issues? We’re always happy to discuss how you’re feeling at the moment.

With a number of customers suffering from their symptoms for over a year, it comes as no surprise that their food triggers have persisted and developed in their body which may have been due to the increase in inflammation. Over 8 in 10 customers noticed their symptoms at least once a week.



We work incredibly hard at yorktest to make sure the credible articles you read, the messaging we put out there and what we do as a brand is readily available, transparently honest and accessible online. There are some testing companies who have no basis in science, so this gives us peace of mind that you’re not trusting just anybody with your health. We have a Buyers’ Guide if you would like to read more.

We always recommend that new customers should seek advice with their GP before coming to yorktest. However, it is saddening to see that a high proportion of customers had consulted with their GP 10 times or more in regard to their symptoms. If you would like to take a closer look at your diet once anything underlying has been ruled out, we’re happy to help.



A third of our customers had been referred to us – whether it’s through a loved one or a medical professional. This is also aided by our fantastic Refer-a-Friend scheme where your loved one receives £75 off a full food intolerance programme. If you know someone who has taken a test with us and you’re interested yourself, get in touch with us by quoting their contact ID found on any letter we’ve sent to them. It’s that simple!Our customers are at the heart of everything we do, so we’re incredibly thrilled that we have held this stat for many years running. Our experience spans over 35 years in diagnostic testing (check out our About Us and Research) and, therefore, we are confident that our post-test aftercare, validation of our programmes and our commitment to you is  our number one priority.



We include personalised nutritional aftercare with every full test programme to ensure you’re not left in the dark on how to put your results into action. These 30-minute phone consultations aim to look at your current diet and how you can replace your trigger foods with other nutritious alternatives. You can meet our friendly nutritional therapists Here.Did you know that studies have shown that removing trigger foods can aid weight loss? This is because if we eat something that doesn’t quite agree with us, the digestive system may feel under siege by hoarding supplies, storing fluid and increasing weight. In fact, weight management issues can be a sign of a food intolerance.




Are you considering taking a food intolerance† test? We understand that you want to make an informed decision before you put your health into another pair of hands. You may wish to see our Trustpilot reviews and our Testimonial page for a closer glimpse of our customer experiences.

Thank you to all the customers who took the time to complete our survey following their yorktest programme. The input we receive from all respondents will help create an even greater yorktest experience for 2019!

†yorktest define Food Intolerance as a food-specific IgG reaction
Customer survey results surveying 343 respondents over a 12-month period
yorktest do not claim to treat or cure symptoms and recommend that you discuss any medical concerns you have with a GP before undertaking a yorktest programme.