Trudi Stamp

Trudi Stamp, Yorktest customer, posing in a nature setting
Symptoms: abdominal pains, joint pains, bloating, nausea, lack of concentration, migraines, fatigue
Food Reactions: gluten, cow's milk, white grapes

“Wish I had known about this years ago, would’ve saved me years of pain and discomfort”

55-year-old learning support assistant, Trudi Stamp, was dealing with a range of unpleasant symptoms. Trudi had suffered with abdominal pains, joint pains, bloating, nausea, lack of concentration, mouth ulcers, depression, diarrhea, migraines and fatigue for most of her life.

When asked about how these symptoms affected her everyday life, Trudi said: “These symptoms would affect my day at work, my social life and brought on a lot of depression, as I was in pain nearly every day. I had been admitted to hospital three times and given morphine as the pain was so bad. I stopped socialising and I would not attend places where they had food as I worried that it would make me ill.”

Trudi went to her GP for regular tests which showed that she was anaemic and B12 deficient. “I went to the doctors for the best part of 30 years. Back and forth, they did blood tests and they said everything was normal other than being iron deficient and B12 deficient.”. Then Trudi came across YorkTest on the internet, having looked up the most reliable food intolerance testing kit to buy.



That’s when she ordered the Premium Food Intolerance Test, with her results indicating that her body was reacting to gluten, cow’s milk and white grapes. Trudi was very surprised as they were all in her daily diet.

We asked Trudi how she felt after removing these trigger foods, she said she felt “absolutely great for 8 months! Clothes fit me better as I don’t have the bloating. Day to day life is much better. I have not had a migraine since I removed wheat from my diet. The joint pains are improving, the fatigue has gone and I feel like I have energy now. I don’t get mouth ulcers now. But the best thing is I am not in pain.” Trudi also saw an improvement in her symptoms including weight loss since removing her food intolerance.

Our test analyses your IgG reactions to over 200 food and drinks – from common ingredients like gluten and cow’s milk, to health superfoods like kale and quinoa.

The process involves sending a finger-prick blood sample back to YorkTest. Trudi then received her results within 7-days through the Wellness Hub, in an easy-to-read traffic light-based format.

Eliminating the trigger foods and sticking to her diet plan has helped clear Trudi’s symptoms and enabled her to stay active. “I go to the gym and do zumba. I have a lot more energy for my three beautiful grandchildren now.” When asked about her appointment with our nutritional expert, Trudi said: “She was amazing. She was very understanding and I could’ve spoken to her for hours on end.” Similarly, Trudi found her experience with our customer service team “brilliant, very easy to talk to, they are very helpful and listen well.”

We asked Trudi how life had changed since taking the test and how she would summarise her experience with YorkTest. In response, Trudi concluded: “This has been a game changer! I was going round in circles before this test, not getting any answers from anyone. I wish I had know about this years ago, would’ve saved me years of pain and discomfort.”
