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Stephanie Eaton, yorktest client
Alter: 28
Testdatum: 20201101
Symptome: Blähungen, Gehirnnebel, Angstzustände
Nahrungsmittelreaktionen: Kuhmilch, Eiweiß, Pflaume, Lamm, Ziege, Granatapfel, Buchweizen

"„Ich fühle mich viel besser, vielen Dank an das Team von YorkTest. Vielleicht erscheint es den Leuten hinter den Kulissen nicht so bedeutsam, ein paar Proben zu analysieren und Ratschläge zu geben, aber für mich war es lebensverändernd. Danke noch einmal!“"

“Taking the YorkTest food intolerance test was the best decision I ever made.”

Stephanie Eaton, a 28-year-old lawyer, suffered from a variety of symptoms, including pain and bloating after eating, fatigue, brain fog and anxiety.

“I always had pain and bloating after eating, constantly felt tired and weak, had trouble concentrating, almost like I was in a brain fog. I often suffered from constipation, diarrhea and painful bloating,” she explains.

These wide-ranging symptoms affected Stephanie’s life for nearly 7 years and impacted nearly every aspect of her social life

The lawyer says: “I didn’t enjoy eating out, I dreaded work events where I had to eat and then talk to clients while feeling awful. I always wore baggy clothes because of the bloating, had trouble sleeping and suffered from anxiety. I generally felt miserable and unhealthy

“I rarely went out to eat with friends, stopped going to the gym because I was always tired, and found little joy in most activities because I almost always felt uncomfortable and exhausted.”

Over the years, Stephanie sought advice from her GP. She was prescribed some medications, but did not want to be on long-term medication and tried to find the cause of her symptoms.

Stephanie tried to do some more research into her diet herself, explaining: “I half-heartedly tried to follow a low FODMAP diet, but I found it really difficult and didn’t know what ingredients were in some foods. Without the support of a dietitian, I unknowingly continued to eat things I wanted to avoid.”

Desperate for answers, Stephanie suspected that her diet might play a significant role in how she felt and her daily symptoms. It wasn’t until the Christmas season that she realized how much these symptoms were affecting her life.

“It got particularly bad over Christmas as I was constantly feeling unwell (no doubt due to the larger amounts of food I was eating!) and sleeping poorly. I couldn’t enjoy the holidays and that’s what finally led me to do the intolerance test,” she says.

A few months earlier, fitness influencer Louise Thompson, who benefited from a YorkTest program, had reported on her experience. An Instagram post by the influencer, who has over 1.2 million followers, gave Stephanie the idea to do one of the most popular tests: the *Premium Food Intolerance Test.

The test analyzes your IgG reactions to over 200 foods and beverages – from common ingredients like cow’s milk, gluten and egg to healthy superfoods like kale and quinoa.

The procedure, which involves sending a blood sample to the labs via finger prick, revealed that Stephanie had an intolerance to foods such as cow’s milk, egg whites, prunes, lamb, goat, pomegranate and buckwheat.

Stephanie admits that she was initially hesitant when she received the test results because many of the trigger foods were her favorites.

To help clients make dietary changes, each program includes up to two 30-minute consultations with an experienced nutritionist.

“I thought it was going to be very difficult as I love cheese and chocolate! But after talking to the nutritionist about alternatives, especially without egg or milk, I found it much easier than I thought. Once I saw positive results, it became even easier!”

The changes didn’t take long to happen. Stephanie quickly noticed drastic improvements in her symptoms:
“My symptoms reduced almost immediately and then got steadily better. I couldn’t believe it!
After a week, the brain fog and fatigue were noticeably better, and after a few weeks, all of my symptoms were gone!

“My life has changed in such a good way! I have much more energy, no more bloating, hardly any other symptoms, I sleep better, can concentrate better at work, my anxiety has disappeared, and I just feel healthy and well – like I haven’t felt in years.”

Stephanie continues to stick to her elimination diet but has tried to incorporate the trigger foods back into her diet.

“I’ve discovered that I can tolerate a little dairy now, so I occasionally treat myself to a piece of chocolate and cheese!

“However, eggs and lamb seem to trigger symptoms such as chest tightness, heart palpitations and anxiety – previously I thought this was just stress and anxiety, but these symptoms disappear completely when I avoid eggs and lamb.”
Summing up her experience, Stephanie says: “I feel better than I have in years and taking the YorkTest food intolerance test was the best decision I ever made.”