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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Last updated: 11 June 2024

YorkTest Laboratories Ltd is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We never collect and store data unnecessarily or sell your data to third parties.

We have a variety of security measures to help maintain the safety of any personal information YorkTest Laboratories receives. We have processes that provide enough guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures in such a manner that data processing meets the requirements of the UK data protection legislation and ensure the protection of the rights of the data subject.

CONTROLLERS are the main decision-makers – they exercise overall control over the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.

If two or more controllers jointly determine the purposes and means of the processing of the same personal data, they are JOINT CONTROLLERS.

JOINT CONTROLLERS are both responsible for complying with GDPR obligations, transparency obligations and individuals’ rights. Both parties agree to collect, store and process personal data in accordance with this policy. It is the responsibility of both parties to inform their data subjects.

PROCESSOR is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.

YorkTest Laboratories Ltd shall be a CONTROLLER in respect of personal data provided by you and a PROCESSOR in respect of personal data collected from your employer or benefits provider on your behalf, where applicable.


By providing your personal information to YorkTest Laboratories, you consent to the collection and use of it and any other information provided to YorkTest Laboratories in accordance with this Privacy Policy.



Your personal information will be collected and stored by YorkTest Laboratories for the following purposes:

• To provide you with the services you expect us to.

• To respond to your request or questions when you contact us.

• We may also use your contact data for direct marketing to inform you about services/products/events etc that might be of interest to you. See Marketing communications below.

• To send other information including upcoming events or newsletters.

• To help us create, publish, and improve content.

• To perform analytical research on our prospective client base, including the content, and the services/products they are interested in.

• To comply with any legal obligation.
• To compile and publish statistics and data on our range of testing services, products and results on an anonymised population basis only. No individual test results will be published without direct written consent from that individual.
• Where you have purchased or been provided a test by your employer or via one of our corporate partnership affiliations, to compile and provide statistics and data of test results for your employer or a corporate partnership affiliate for their information and use on an anonymised population basis only.
• We may also process your information to: a. investigate or respond to incidents and complaints. b. comply with obligations and rights and cooperate with investigations carried out by the police, government or regulators.



Website and cookie data

Certain parts of our website use “cookies” to keep track of your visit and to help you navigate between sections. A cookie is a small data file that certain websites store on your computer’s hard-drive when you visit such websites. Cookies can contain information such as your user ID and the pages you have visited. The only personal information a cookie contains is information that you have personally supplied.

Please note that providers of third-party content may also use cookies over which we have no control, for further information please visit our cookie policy.

Personal information we collect from customers

Personal data including but not limited to:

• Your full name

• Date of Birth

• Address Details


Special Category data including but not limited to:


• Health Details

• Data gathered for and from testing (Please refer to the processing of test data for further information)


Personal information we collect from Sole Traders/ Sub-contractors


Personal data including but not limited to:


• Your full name

• Date of Birth

• Address Details

• Contact information

• Information regarding your business

• Financial information (e.g. bank details, credit history etc.)


Personal information we collect from you for recruitment and selection purposes


Data from Application forms/CVs including but not limited to:

• Full Name

• Address details

• Employment history

• Email address

• Data gathered from testing including psychometric testing


Personal information we collect and store from Employees


Personal data including but not limited to:

• Your full name

• Date of Birth

• Address Details

• Job Title

• Salary Information

• Emergency Contact Details

• Financial information (e.g. bank details)

• Personal identification information and documentation


Special Category data including but not limited to:


• Ethnic Origin

• Nationality

• Health details




The lawful bases we rely on for processing your personal information are;



• The processing is necessary for the performance of a CONTRACT

• The processing is necessary for the purposes of LEGITIMATE INTERESTS pursued by the controller/or Joint controllers

• The processing is necessary for the compliance with a LEGAL OBLIGATION.


• The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the PUBLIC INTEREST

• The processing is necessary for compilation and publication of statistics and data on our range of testing services, products and results on an anonymised population basis only and where applicable to compile and provide such statistics and data for an employer or a corporate partnership affiliate for their information and use on an anonymised population basis only.

• If at any time you wish to change the uses of your personal information to which you have consented, please contact us at [email protected]



*Live Chat – Expanding the range of communication methods to our customers

Email marketing – Communicating with current, previous and prospective customers who have proactively interacted with the company

Non-Conformity Reporting – To improve our products and services for customers

Complaints System – To improve our products and services for customers

*Dot Mailer – Communicating through marketing with current and previous customers who have proactively interacted with the company previously

Call Recording o/b and i/b – To improve our products and services for customers. Help resolve complaints and the training of employees

Notes and Action – To provide a record of our engagement with our customers



We will only send marketing communications to you via email or other communication means where you have consented that we may do so by our positive ‘opt in’ process or we have a legitimate reason to do so. You can ‘opt out’ at any time by emailing email address [email protected]



For our testing services we will process your sample as agreed through the signing of a client details form or electronic confirmation provided via our YorkTest Wellness Hub and on the subsequent basis;


Food Intolerance Tests: YorkTest will use the defined and CE marked YorkTest Laboratories’ IgG food intolerance test which uses the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method to detect IgG antibodies in the blood sample which recognise and bind to purified food antigens. The processing will provide a quantitive result with numerical results for each IgG food reaction categorised into ‘no reaction’, ‘borderline’ or ‘high reaction’.

As well as Food Intolerance Tests, YorkTest Laboratories offers and undertakes, either in its own laboratory, or in collaboration with third party accredited laboratories, a range of other home health tests.

YorkTest and its laboratory partners do not retain your blood samples after testing and will only test samples for those tests the Customer has given consent for. YorkTest do not undertake any DNA or genetic testing.


We will always retain your personal information in accordance with the current data protection laws YorkTest Laboratories never retain your information for longer than is necessary.


We may share some of your data with 3rd parties which will include but is not limited to specific companies and organisations as required in accordance with company policy, compliance to UK legislation and to comply with site regulations in line with GDPR.

NOTE: Data is only shared with 3rd parties to facilitate delivery of the required service or for the reasons as outlined in the section above titled “WHY WE NEED TO USE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION”.

On occasion we may be required to share your data outside of the UK. We will ensure that any such company will collate, use and sort your data in full compliance with GDPR.



You can access, request to amend or delete your personal data at any time by emailing [email protected]

• DELETE DATA: You can ask us to erase or delete all or some of your personal data if it is no longer necessary to provide Services to you. We have the right to refuse if the retention of that data is covered by other UK legislation or we have a legitimate reason to continue to store that data.

• CHANGE OR CORRECT DATA: You can request that we edit your personal data if that data is inaccurate.

• OBJECT TO, OR LIMIT OR RESTRICT, USE OF DATA: You can ask us to stop using all or some of your personal data if we have no legal right to keep using it or to limit our use of it if your personal data is inaccurate or unlawfully held.

• RIGHT TO ACCESS AND/OR TAKE YOUR DATA: You can ask us for a copy of your personal data and can ask for a copy of personal data you provided in machine readable form.

We hold the full right to change or amend our privacy statement and/or policy at any time.

Data Protection Officer
YorkTest Laboratories Units 2 & 3, Triune Court, Monks Cross Drive, Huntington, York YO32 9GZ
[email protected] +44 (0)1904 410 410



We value your privacy and your rights as a data subject and have therefore appointed Prighter as our privacy representative and your point of contact.
Prighter gives you an easy way to exercise your privacy-related rights (e.g. requests to access or erase personal data). If you want to contact us via our representative Prighter or make use of your data subject rights, please visit: Https://Prighter.Com/Q/19875642



You have the right to complain to the supervisory authority (ICO) if you feel that we are not complying with the Data Protection Regulation at the following address; Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





* Disclaimer YorkTest food intolerance, allergy and other test results are provided for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice. The results cannot be used to diagnose, treat or cure medical or health conditions. If you are concerned about your symptoms then please contact your GP. Information on this website is for educational purposes only and you must never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it based on the information provided. YorkTest define Food Intolerance as a food-specific IgG reaction
